
MHRise | Chameleos Lance 5:10

Playing lance as Ichinose as intended in his game.
“Wow, a ST training dummy that goes invisible?!”

Sub 5 is possible, but I probably won’t keep running cause of the spawn RNG + the fight itself in general(ST spam) and university work is increase from tomorrow til finals.

Set is at the end.

I stream sometimes at : https://www.twitch.tv/sareilll

#MHRise #MHRiseLance #MHRiseChameleos

公開日 2021-05-02 21:49:48
タグ Monster Hunter Rise,MHRise,Monster Hunter Rise Lance,MHRise Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Chameleos,MHRise Chameleos,Monster Hunter Rise Chameleos Lance,MHRise Chameleos Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Lance Chameleos,MHRise Lance Chameleos