
MHRise モンハンライズ / HH Solo 笛ソロ 集★6 緊急 / A Bewitching Dance 妖艶なる舞

So I think there are some new moves from Mizutsune but I just tried to play safe as the hits are pretty damaging at my current defense level. Apparently, when you got hit by moves that send you rolling on the ground, you can’t use wirebug moves, dang! Anyway, a couple quests to go and then Hub 7 Stars. Almost close to the end game/post game now.

公開日 2021-04-25 07:38:41
タグ 動画,ビデオ,共有,カメラ付き携帯電話,動画機能付き携帯電話,無料,アップロード,チャンネル,コミュニティ,YouTube,ユーチューブ