
MHRise モンハンライズ / HH Solo 笛ソロ 集★7 / Narwa the Allmother 百竜ノ淵源

I got lucky so I didn’t cart even once, but fairly close to cart a couple times. Even farcast back to tent to resupply potions. The hitzones are very generous, but the last phase are very picky even for the hit and run HH play style, there are a couple mins I was stuck in the heal and then get attacked again thus needs to heal again loop. Anyway, there you go, gunner gonna fail this quest so much just to learn the move patterns and then gunner gonna wreck this one as well in the future.

公開日 2021-05-27 17:05:24
タグ 動画,ビデオ,共有,カメラ付き携帯電話,動画機能付き携帯電話,無料,アップロード,チャンネル,コミュニティ,YouTube,ユーチューブ