
MHR Sunbreak: Malzeno – Charge Blade Solo 3’47″58 / メル・ゼナ チャージアックス ソロ (TAwiki Rules/no pets)

Sub 3’30 with better charm and better play/luck on skull. There are definitely a lot of gambles in the run but It’s still one of the best fights for charge blade in the game, so I’ll definitely do a cleaner run at one point later.
Thumbnail by @Aki
BGM: https://youtu.be/1iFzWSUY108
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rainyy_
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rainy_moody

公開日 2022-07-07 13:29:07
タグ mhworld,monster,hunter,world,ps4,pro,speedrun,HD,60FPS,HIGH RANK,上位,charge blade,charge,axe,チャージアックス,チャアク,solo,ソロ,TA,time attack,タイムアタック,盾斧,speed,run,ps4pro,hd,hq,60fps,capcom,nintendo,rainy,gaming,PlayStation,モンハン,sunbreak,mhr,mhrise,monster hunter rise sunbreak,ライズ,サブレ,モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク,crazy,insane,overpowered,busted,OP,world record,PC,剣斧,Switch axe,swaxe,guide,how to,tawiki rules,ta wiki,TAうぃき,ルール,なしなし,malzeno,citadel,no pets,no cats no dogs,メル・ゼナ,爵銀龍,爵银龙