
MHRise: Sunbreak – Hammer Counter Move and Damage Combos for Beginners

#monsterhunterrisesunbreak #monsterhunter #monsterhunterrise #lance
Hammer’s move sets have very good synergy against each other. When combined, they have potential to deal huge damage. There are still a lot about this weapon that were not covered in this guide. I hope it could introduce new comers into this series and this weapon quicker and make the beginning of the game more fun and easier.

0:00 Intro
0:21 Basics
1:52 Courage Counter Combo
3:08 Impact Crater Combo
3:40 Strength Spinning Combo
5:02 Outro

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – Guides and Builds:

公開日 2022-08-06 23:15:07
タグ monsterhunter,monsterhunterrise,monsterhunterrisesunbreak