
Shagaru Magala 6’15” Courage Hammer Speedrun – Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Super cheesy. I feel like hammer almost needs to run heroics to equal some other weapons damage output. I sort of attribute this to the hammer actually not getting as good ways to use element, nor does it have as effective ways of using it’s raw as say Greatsword or Lance. I do hope to see a little more damage in a title update!

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公開日 2022-07-17 00:43:47
タグ monster hunter,monster hunter rise,rise,speedrun,tutorial,mh,action,rpg,hunting,wire bug,monster hunter rise demo,monster hunter rise gameplay,monster hunter rise trailer,monster hunter rise monsters,Monster Hunter,Monster Hunter Rise,Speedrun,Tutorial,monster hunter rise weapons,monster hunter rise weapon moves,mhr,wirebug,Set,Build,Endgame,Grind,Most Meta Weapon,META,Most Powerful Weapon,GS,Greatsword Set,review,monster hunter pc,monster hunter review,sunbreak