
【MHRise】千紫万紅、ヌシ・タマミツネ The Harlequin Apex Mizutsune Lance solo 02’59″72

Welcome to Amatsu Channel. Thank you for your continued support.

This is the 2nd proper TA video that I uploaded to this platform.
I’m quite satisfied with the result, but that doesn’t mean it’s the final run of Apex Mitsuzune. I plan to run an Anchor Rage Version in the future.

The strat(egy) that I use for this run is slightly different from my previous strat. The strat this time is still influenced by Azukiさん, Kemalさん, Negisioさん, Kerriさん, GohanさんTen(Hana)さん, KiryuPさん and Haclayさん, the Lancers who shapes the current ‘Meta’ of the Lance.
Thank You everyone.

Regarding this particular run, I failed to interrupt Mitsuzune’s Water Jet Stream attack with one motion of Spiral Thrust(3 hits) and also failed to inflict the stun on time toward the end. In the end my cat is the MVP who save the day because it was my cat that stunned the Mitsuzune at the end of the run🐈

Speaking of save the day, this video’s background song is from KOKIA, my favourite Singer/Composer of all time. She is the one who literally saves me for the last 12 years with her song. Although, I haven’t ask their permission to use some of their Intellectual Property in this video.

Finally, unlike Elon Musk’s Twitter, I can actually wrote 5000-word essay on YouTube’s description video (LOL)✨

The song used in the video belong to their respective owners and I, Amatsu or this channel doesn’t claim any right over them.

Song: moment ~ 今を生きる~ (COLOR OF LIFE live Ver.)
Singer, Composer : KOKIA
Album: 15th anniversary concert 「COLOR OF LIFE」
Label: Victor Entertainment

▶KOKIA Official Website

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#ランス #mhrise rise #lance #モンハンライズ #ヌシタマミツネ
#ApexMitsuzune #ApexMizutsune

公開日 2022-04-27 10:04:21
タグ Monster Hunter Rise,ランス,KOKIA,ヌシタマミツネ,モンハンライズ,Lance