
MHRise : Sunbreak | Afflicted Garangolm Lance 7″58″06 TA ruleset

Featuring the award-winning expansion Heavensward(the switch-skill)
Garangolm is fun, a little bit of a pushover tho.
The new switch skill is kinda fun, anything big will clip it twice.
Probably can clean up the end a bit, but gg.

公開日 2022-07-04 23:30:15
タグ MHRise Sunbreak,MHRise Sunbreak Lance,MHRise Lance Sunbreak,MHRise Sunbreak Lance Garangolm,MHRise Sunbreak Garangolm Lance,Sunbreak Garangolm,Sunbreak Garangolm Lance,Lance Garangolm,Lance Sunbreak Garangolm,Lance Garangolm Sunbreak