
MHRise | Valstrax Lance 7:09 TA rules

Was practicing Valstrax and decided why to post something for the time being, will clean it up later and get a much better time in the future.
Stinky pyramid spawn + Stinky monkey interrupt.
Official TA rules : https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/howtosolota

I stream sometimes at :

公開日 2021-05-30 03:52:25
タグ MHRise,Monster Hunter Rise,Monster Hunter Rise Lance,MHRise Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Valstrax,Monster Hunter Rise Valstrax Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Valstrax Lance TA,Monster Hunter Rise TA Lance,MHRise Valstrax,MHRise Valstrax Lance,MHRise Lance TA,MHRise Valstrax Lance TA