
MHRise | Valstrax TA Lance 5’36″50

Was streaming runs on https://www.twitch.tv/sareilll, the goal was sub 5 but I’ll be giving up for a while since Stories 2 is coming out, but here’s an improved Valstrax run. Sub 5 is definitely possible though, but I’ll see whether or not I grind it out in the future.

公開日 2021-07-09 02:09:42
タグ MHRise,Monster Hunter Rise,Monster Hunter Rise Lance,MHRise Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Valstrax,Monster Hunter Rise Valstrax Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Valstrax Lance TA,Monster Hunter Rise TA Lance,MHRise Valstrax,MHRise Valstrax Lance,MHRise Lance TA,MHRise Valstrax Lance TA