
Monster Hunter Rise – Lance Playstyles

Gameplay and preview for future end-game elemental Lance builds. Already built the sets (which are in this gameplay), I just need to sit down and record DPS tests and such. This video should help clear up basic questions on Lance builds and “what should I use”, etc. I have built several loadouts to fit each playstyle for each element along with some different ways to customize a set.

Enjoy all 5 of you Lancers

公開日 2021-06-06 01:03:58
タグ Monster Hunter Rise,Monster Hunter Rise Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Lance Playstyles,MHR Lance,MHR Lance Playstyles,Monster Hunter Rise Evade Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Counter Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Guard Lance,MHR Evade Lance,MHR Guard Lance,MHR Counter Lance,Monster Hunter Rise Lance Gameplay,MHR Lance Gameplay,Monster Hunter Rise Lance Montage,MHR Lance Montage,MHR Lance Showcase,MHR Elemental Lance,MHR Elemental Lance gameplay,MHR Elemental Lance Builds