








【Live Streaming Notes】
❄Abusive or offensive language or behavior
❄No fighting between listeners.
❄Ghosting prohibited
❄I may not be able to read the comments during the collaboration, but I do read them.
❄I am not necessarily good when it comes to game play.
❄We play the games the Hyoka wants to play, so please refrain from making persistent game requests.


【Notes on Comments】
❄Please refrain from posting an excessively long string of comments.
❄Listener to listener interaction that ignores the Hyoka.
❄Please refrain from publicity stunts and talk of collaboration.
❄Please do not mention the names of the activists that the Hyoka has not mentioned.
❄Please refrain from excessive directive comments.
❄If you receive trolls or other visitors, please do not respond and ignore them.


※If the above or other poor behavior is not corrected once you have been warned, we will take action to block or time out your account.


   ( @Hyoka_Kazahana )






Thank you for reading all the way to the end!


公開日 2022-07-23 22:31:28
タグ 氷華