
[MH Rise] Apex Rathalos 03’15″44 Switch Axe Solo

Overall I’m pretty satisfied with this run, I wish I hadn’t taken a hit towards the end but it is what it is. Might clean it up in the future and go for sub 3’10, possibly sub 3’00. ENJOY!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RuseEXE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruseexe/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/RuseEXE

Shoutout to Gaudi for the thumbnail! Make sure to check her out ~

Weapon Icons by Shima (as shown in thumbnail)

#MHRise #ApexRathalos #SwitchAxe #RuseEXE

公開日 2021-06-08 00:00:31
タグ Monster Hunter,Monster Hunter Rise,MH Rise,MH Rise Rathalos,MH Rise Apex Rathalos,Apex Rathalos,Rathalos,Rathalos switch axe,Apex Rathalos Switch Axe,Apex Rathalos Solo,Apex Rathalos Switch axe solo,MH Rathalos,Rise Apex Rathalos,mhrise apex rathalos,mh rise rathalos solo,mh rathalos solo,RuseEXE,Ruse Switch Axe,RuseEXE Switch Axe